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Pridružen/-a: 22.05. 2012, 19:11 Prispevkov: 20 Kraj: Veniše 58 |
Kaj pa glede fps-jev....jih je kaj manj, enako ali več? seveda na najvišjih nastavitvah
22 Avg 2012 08:10 |
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 24.05. 2012, 09:55 Prispevkov: 69
mislim da je nekak enako, sam da je vse fuuuuuuul lepš 
22 Avg 2012 10:56 |
Pridružen/-a: 01.08. 2012, 17:46 Prispevkov: 10 Kraj: šentjur |
sam na nekaterih mapah je pa tut mal presvetl pa nekateri tanki se mal preveč svetjo
22 Avg 2012 18:12 |
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 24.05. 2012, 09:55 Prispevkov: 69
mislim da bo tale test dlje traju od prejšnjih.
Below is Storm's (WoT producer) summary of the current state of in-game physics of 8.0 update for World of Tanks.
Main issues detected so far:
- Disappearing destroyed tanks and "alive" tanks getting stuck in the spots where destroyed tanks were initially. 90% of all cases when vehicle gets stuck are of that kind.
Tanks getting stuck on bridges (near the edges).
- When being detracked on the move tanks don't get turned.
- Too much damage when falling from relatively low height. This especially applies to light tanks driving cross-country terrain (due to the roughness of terrain).
- Too little damage when ramming, especially heavies vs lights/mediums. Tanks just bounce getting minor damage. While some bouncing is legitimate, there should be noticeably more damage to vehicle and tracks.
- Most of the tanks have seen a drop in acceleration. Especially heavies.
- There should be some more drifting/sliding. Now it's possible only for the 2-3 fastest tanks in the game, as a result, this feature is barely noticeable.
- Low terrain rendering settings are unclear for players which leads to massive complaints of tanks falling into the ground or hovering in the air. Possibly, this setting should be removed from auto-detect functionality and graphic presets, allowing to change it only in manual mode.
- Small stones, stumps, and other small objects should not have own hitboxes. Vehicles get slowed down too much because of that.
23 Avg 2012 15:28 |
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 24.05. 2012, 09:55 Prispevkov: 69
spet en copy paste od overlorda:
-As many of you already know currently we are testing new physics model for 8.0 update. I have given a small update on the progress here. Below is the most recent things that are being worked on (tuned):
-Tuned and adjusted ramming damage. The goal to make it predictable.
-Decreased damage when falling from small heights and when driving cross-country.
-Fixing issues with tanks stopping close to minor objects (rocks, etc)
-Increased "drifting" ability. By the way, T-50-2 turning ability was decreased by 20% to fit the current physics model.
-Increased vehicle turning when being detracked on the move.
-Increased acceleration (approx by 25%) when climbing hills. There was too much gravity.
-Fixed bug with tanks getting stuck on bridges (near the edges) and cliffs.
-Fixed bug with disappearing destroyed tanks and "alive" tanks getting stuck in the spots where destroyed tanks were initially
-Currently fixing bug with no damage being inflicted when landing on a destroyed tank.
-Currently fixing the "flood" bar which doesn't work properly in some cases.
-Currently removing the rest of invisible walls that have been mistakenly left.
Physics is really a key feature of the 8.0 update that is going to affect gameplay greatly, thus we are determined to polish it out 100% before the release. Your feedback is welcome.
Vrjetno bo tale test traju dlje od prejšnjih
edit: pa lahko se pričakuje več nepenetrirajočih hitov 
29 Avg 2012 15:32 |
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